
New Students

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the class. You will need to fill out a quick registration form and discuss any injuries or health issues with your instructor prior to class.

Wear what you feel good sweating in. Breathable fabric is best. No shoes are needed in practice room.

Come to class hydrated. Making sure you have water throughout your day before you practice, and after (especially for hot yoga classes).  Bring a yoga mat, long towel (for hot yoga) and water.

For hot yoga:  try to remain in the studio for the entire class. Listen to your body and take time to rest between sequences as needed. Child’s pose is perfect for this!  You get more used to the environment and eventually you can focus on your breath and being present. Every day is different on your mat.  Meet yourself where you are!

Breathe. If you are breathing you are doing great! No expectations; no judgment.  Getting in and out of the pose is part of the pose!  If you fall out, just try to rejoin!  It’s just a pose in a yoga class.

new yoga students

Heated Classes


Vital Hot 26 – 60 minutes

A classic series of 26 accessible held postures to promote detoxification, cardio endurance and increased flexibility in a temperature that builds up to 100+ degrees. A strong workout that systematically works all the joints, glands and muscles . Advanced alignment cues and radiant far infrared heat expand your practice to new levels. Builds strength, reverses Osteoporosis, and builds bone density. Beginners welcome.

Hot 60 Flow

Deep cleansing 60 minute detox using heat and perspiration in a room with temperatures 100+ degrees. A great workout for burning calories and weight loss. Builds strength, endurance and mental focus. Some flow instructors include core segments!  Radiant infrared heat warms the body to peak temperatures that promote ultimate health. All levels welcome.

Warm Room Classes


Warm Yin

Welcome to our Warm Yin Yoga class, a nourishing practice that combines the gentle stretches of Yin yoga with the soothing warmth of a heated environment. This class offers a unique experience of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and release. The room is gently heated, creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere that helps to relax the muscles, increase circulation, and promote a deeper stretch.

During the Warm Yin Yoga class, you’ll be guided into a series of passive and long-held stretches, typically held for three to five minutes. These poses primarily target the deep connective tissues, such as the fascia, ligaments, and joints. The warmth of the room allows your muscles to relax and soften, facilitating a deeper release and increasing your flexibility.

You’ll ease into various poses supported by props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks. The longer holds in each pose allow you to cultivate a meditative state of mind, promoting a sense of stillness and surrender.


Scorch and Sculpt

Scorch and Sculpt is an invigorating fitness concept that merges two powerful elements: heat and targeted strength training. This comprehensive workout is designed to ignite the metabolism, incinerate calories, and sculpt muscles, providing a dynamic blend of cardio, endurance, and resistance exercises.
Scorch and Sculpt workouts provide a challenging yet rewarding fitness experience, promoting an efficient and effective way to burn calories, tone muscles, and elevate overall physical fitness in a heated and motivating atmosphere.  
class descriptions

Yoga Burst

Welcome to our invigorating 45-minute Yoga Burst class! Designed for those with a busy schedule who still want to experience the benefits of yoga, this high-energy class offers a condensed and impactful practice that will leave you feeling energized and revitalized.

The instructor leads you through a dynamic sequence of yoga postures, flowing seamlessly from one pose to another. The pace is brisk and energetic, allowing you to build heat in the body and increase your heart rate.

By the end of the 45-minute Yoga Burst class, you’ll have experienced a condensed yet impactful yoga practice that leaves you feeling invigorated, empowered, and ready to take on the day. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, this class offers a powerful burst of yoga goodness to fuel your mind, body, and spirit.  A great way to start your day!

Vin Yin

Vin Yin Yoga is a blend of two popular yoga styles—Vinyasa and Yin. In this class, we combine the fluidity and strength-building aspects of Vinyasa yoga with the deep, meditative stretches of Yin yoga to create a comprehensive and balanced practice.

The Vinyasa component of the class comes will offer a dynamic and flowing sequence of postures that synchronizes movement with breath. These sequences are designed to build strength, increase flexibility, and energize the body. You’ll move through a series of Sun Salutations, standing poses, and balances.

The Yin yoga portion of class involves holding passive stretches for an extended period, typically ranging from two to five minutes. The instructor guides you into deep, relaxing poses that primarily target the connective tissues, ligaments, and joints of the body.  Supported by props such as bolsters, blocks, and blankets, you’ll sink into various poses allowing gravity to gently release tension and promote deep relaxation. The longer holds in Yin yoga help to improve flexibility, increase circulation, and stimulate the energetic meridian lines throughout the body.

By the end of the Vin Yin Yoga class, you will have experienced the best of both worlds—building strength, flexibility, and stamina through the Vinyasa flow, while also cultivating stillness, mindfulness, and deep release through the Yin poses. You’ll leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and balanced in body, mind, and spirit.  Good for all levels!!!

Level 1-2

Welcome to our Level 1-2 Yoga class! This class is designed to cater to a broad range of yoga practitioners, from beginners with some experience to those who have been practicing for a while and want to deepen their practice. It offers a balanced combination of foundational poses and flows with opportunities to explore more intermediate variations and transitions.  The room is equipped with yoga blocks, straps, and blankets to support your practice and enhance your alignment.

During the Level 1-2 Yoga class, you’ll explore a variety of foundational yoga poses, such as Mountain Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Warrior Poses, and Tree Pose. These poses help to cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance while providing a solid foundation for your practice.

Throughout the class, you’ll be encouraged to listen to your body and honor its needs. The instructor emphasizes the importance of breath awareness, reminding you to maintain a steady and controlled breath throughout the practice, and to work at your own level!

Mat Pilates

Increase your flexibility as you flow through a series of dynamic movements that restore balance to core muscles of the lower back and abdominals. Mat Pilates lengthen and strengthens for a strong, lean, physique.


Barre tones using body weight and bands.  It engages deep, inner muscles that support the large muscles such as quads and hamstrings.  With high reps and low impact your body will lean out and get strong!  No dance experience necessary!!

Sign Up for Classes Right Here!

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